Although the remote command protocols differ, both subcommands leverage the same bootstrap template and thus perform the same steps on the target node: knife bootstrap -o winrm -u chefUSER -P PASSWORD [root@chefworkstation .chef]# chef -v ChefDK version: 4.6.35 Chef Infra Client version: 15.5.17 Chef InSpec version: 4.18.39 Test Kitchen version: 2.3.4 Foodcritic version: 16.2.0 Cookstyle version: 5.13.7 [root@chefworkstation .chef]# knife bootstrap -o winrm -u . knife bootstrap windows winrm localhost. * There is a known defect in the knife winrm and knife bootstrap windows winrm subcommands invoked on any OS platform when authenticating with the Negotiate protocol over the SSL transport. I borrowed this script from Scott Bradley's wonderful blog " Provision and Bootstrap Windows EC2 Instances With Chef ," making the following changes: To make compatible with Windows Server 2012 R2 , I added the following firewall rule to the powershell script section: The goal of the bootstrap is to get Chef installed on the target system so it can run Chef Client with a Chef Server. Active 7 years, 6 months ago. A node is any physical, virtual, or cloud machine that is configured to be maintained by a chef-client. It is primarily intended for Chef Client systems that talk to a Chef . We released ChefDK 0. Note that the knife-windows gem must be installed on your Chef Workstation in order to bootstrap a Windows Host; you can use the instructions from the post mentioned above to install it. > target machine ( is a newly deployed windows 2008 R2 machine > that I set up just for this task, so hopefully shouldn't have anything > strange on it. knife bootstrap windows winrm timeout issue. Unfortunately it's not offered in all countries/regions, so it might not work with your subscription. Adding the extra $ didn't work :/. knife bootstrap windows winrm ADDRESS --winrm-user USER --winrm-password 'PASSWORD' --node-name node1 --run-list 'recipe[learn_chef_iis]' As part of the bootstrapping process for Windows the chef-client package is retrieved from the website. You should get the following response back: ** WINDOWS COMMANDS ** knife bootstrap windows winrm FQDN (options) knife bootstrap windows ssh FQDN (options) knife winrm QUERY COMMAND (options) When you first spin up a container (assume a blank server core) you have two methods to interact with it, Direct Powershell from the container host or the docker . Os comandos que começam com knife azurerm usam a API do Azure Resource Manager. kolge@kolge2 MINGW64 ~/learn-chef/chef-repo (master) $ knife bootstrap windows winrm -N -r 'role [production]' -x Administrator -P 'XXXX' -V. Our full suite of enterprise infrastructure, application and DevSecOps automation technologies for delivering change quickly, repeatedly, and securely. Looking for a cookbook to adopt? You can see this in the process output. Viewed 2k times 1 I was trying to build windows machine via knife rackspace server create, however, I got the timeout issue that it is just a little bit not long enough to wait until it gets respond from remote node. Run the following command to verify that knife-windows is functional. The plugin adds a few subcommands, notably knife bootstrap windows winrm and knife bootstrap windows ssh, as well as custom bootstrap templates designed for Windows. By default, knife bootstrap will attempt to use ssh to connect to the target node. Only when I have the single quotes will the string be highlighted in color. On Microsoft Windows machines: The knife bootstrap windows winrm subcommand is issued from a workstation. The knife-windows gem provides a knife bootstrap windows winrm command that can bootstrap an existing Windows instance with Chef, but cannot provision a new instance. # knife is going to wait until the instance responds on the SSH port. knife bootstrap windows winrm -winrm-user administrator -winrm-password 'Rx4m7W4PQu' -node-name firefox_win -run-list 'recipe[snc_firefox]' nife bootstrap windows winrm -x administrator -P Rx4m7W4PQu The knife windows subcommand supports NTLM and Kerberos methods of authentication. Done installing documentation for knife-windows after 1 seconds. The knife windows subcommand is used to configure and interact with nodes that exist on server and/or desktop machines that are running Microsoft Windows. Chef Enterprise Automation Stack. At the time of writing this Chef and Microsoft recently released a ready to use Chef Server in the Azure Marketplace. > > Here is the output from Ubuntu > > :~/chef-repo$ > knife bootstrap windows winrm -r 'role[testserver]' -x > Administrator -P <secret password replaced>' -VV Windows instances typically get a random Administrator password generated for them that takes over 15 minutes to retrieve. Following are the different vault options available for knife bootstrap:--bootstrap-vault-file VAULT_FILE A JSON file with a list of vault(s) and item(s) to be updated . The knife windows subcommand is used to interact with Windows systems managed by Chef Infra. $ knife bootstrap windows winrm ''-r 'role[webserver]'-x domain \\ administrator -P 'password'-p 5986 bootstrap windows ssh ¶ Use the bootstrap windows ssh argument to bootstrap chef-client installations in a Microsoft Windows environment, using a command shell that is native to Microsoft Windows. The above certificate store solution works great on windows for windows tools, but it won't help for many cross platform scenarios like connecting from non-windows or using chef tools like knife-windows. Finally, it's time to open up our PowerShell ISE and write the script that will allow us to bootstrap the node. Parsing documentation for knife-windows-1.4.1. Windows instances typically get a random Administrator password generated for them that takes over 15 minutes to retrieve. Knife will copy the contents of the ~/.chef/client.d directory on your local workstation to the client.d directory on the device being bootstrapped with the knife bootstrap command. For Windows Node, ensure that you have the knife windows plugin installed. Windows takes forever to provision. Hop back onto your old 2012 VM (the one we configured as a workstation with Chef DK) and run the following: gem install knife-windows This will call out and download the knife-windows plugin which allows bootstrapping via WinRM instead of the default SSH. Use knife windows¶. First, login to your Windows Host and run the following command to enable unencrypted traffic through the WinRM Service. Performs a Chef Bootstrap (via the WinRM protocol) on the target node. BTW I am using Atom as my text editor. It is not however so straight forward for a container. I'll use knife bootstrap windows to actually do the bootstrapping (for a full list of options see the knife bootstrap windows documentation): knife bootstrap windows winrm -x DOMAIN\my_user -P 'some_password' -N I did not assign any run lists at this point so the bootstrap process will be very quick. From your workstation, from chef-repo directory, run the following command to bootstrap the node knife bootstrap windows winrm <IP/FQDN> -x <Machine user name> -P <password> -N <node name> € You can use any name as node name. knife bootstrap windows winrm <FQDN> -x <username> -P <password> -c <knife.rb path> --bootstrap-vault-item '{"passwords": "mysql"} A connection is established with the target node using WinRM over port 5985. popen (provision_cmd) do | pipe | begin --bootstrap-no-proxy Avoid a proxy server for the given addresses --bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL The proxy server for the node being . I found that there is a problem bootstrapping from windows 8 workstation to windows 2012 node. . Install Knife-Windows and Bootstrap Server. That didn't work : (. $ Knife bootstrap ssh:// -U ubuntu -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ubuntu01 $ Knife bootstrap winrm:// -U Administrator -P mypassword -N windows10 ; 如果您想在没有任何标志的情况下,引导一到多个节点,则可以稍后再设置策略,并分配run_lists或策略: $ Knife node policy set ubuntu01 prod run-chef . The following changes must be made: Configure LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to grant administrative rights remotely to local users. Syntax. Client -> Windows 2012 R2 Worstation . DEBUG: Found bootstrap template in /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/chef-11.8./lib/chef/knife/bootstrap The main assumption is a baseline OS installation exists. The knife windows subcommand is used to interact with Windows systems managed by Chef Infra. The command weaves its magic and when it is finished you have a newly bootstraped windows host: The defect is tracked by knife-windows issue #176: If the remote system is domain-joined, local accounts may not be used to authenticate via Negotiate over SSL -- only domain accounts will work. 2y. This subcommand has the following syntax: Install the chef-client on Microsoft Windows. The goal of the bootstrap is to get Chef installed on the target system so it can run Chef Client with a Chef Server. The knife-windows gem provides a knife bootstrap windows winrm command that can bootstrap an existing Windows instance with Chef, but cannot provision a new instance. knife bootstrap windows winrm FQDN --help 5.用telnet命令检测网络是否通畅 在Workstation上机器上,用telnet 命令检查remote的Winrm的端口是否已经开通,如果通了,就可以继续下面的步骤,如果没有通的话,请检查你的网络防火墙是否开启,或者remote rm的服务器本身没有正常启动。 Use the -o to specify a different protocol, such as winrm for windows nodes. Nodes are configured using WinRM, which allows external applications to call native objects like batch scripts, Windows PowerShell scripts, or scripting library variables. (This command is part of the knife windows plugin .) By default, knife bootstrap will attempt to use ssh to connect to the target node. Greetings! Syntax. Adoptable Cookbooks List. For Windows Node, ensure that a node is configured to accept outside WinRM connections. It is not however so straight forward for a container. knife windows winrm . knife bootstrap windows winrm IP_ADDRESS -x Administrator -P 'Password' . A bootstrap is a process that installs the chef-client on a target system so that it can run as a chef-client and communicate with a Chef server. WinRM is not set up to allow remote access to this machine for management. Most commonly, you'll need to run these commands on your Windows Server node from PowerShell before you bootstrap it. Once you have installed the knife-windows plugin, you should be able to bootstrap your Windows system using a command similar to: knife bootstrap windows winrm ipaddress -x . Chef Version. Os comandos que começam com o knife azure usam a API de gerenciamento de serviço do Azure. You can also set the client_d_dir option in the config.rb file to point to an arbitrary directory instead of ~/.chef/client.d , and the contents of that directory . telnet 5985 knife bootstrap windows winrm -x Administrator -P A7not3si5ELo knife cookbook site install webpi knife cookbook site install windows knife cookbook site install chef_handler knife cookbook site install iis knife cookbook upload iis windows webpi chef_handler echo 'name "iis" description "IIS Web Server . Use the knife bootstrap subcommand to bootstrap a node using the omnibus installer; Use an unattended install to bootstrap a node from itself, without using SSH or WinRM; Use the knife bootstrap subcommand to run a bootstrap operation that installs the chef-client on the target system. Enter the below snippet of code into your ISE console: With a traditional windows machine the traditional "knife bootstrap windows winrm …" approach to bootstrapping works fine. Copy link fabioxgn commented Jun 29, 2015. telnet 5985 knife bootstrap windows winrm -x Administrator -P A7not3si5ELo knife cookbook site install webpi knife cookbook site install windows knife cookbook site install chef_handler knife cookbook site install iis knife cookbook upload iis windows webpi chef_handler echo 'name "iis" description "IIS Web Server . The knife windows subcommand supports NTLM and Kerberos methods of authentication. Performs a Chef Bootstrap (via the WinRM protocol) on the target node. knife-azure versão 1.6.0 e posterior oferece suporte ao Azure Resource Manager. It is primarily intended for Chef Client systems that talk to a Chef . knife bootstrap windows winrm. This subcommand has the following syntax: Bootstrapping a windows node with cinc-17.2.29-1-x64 results in incorrect path set on Windows The hostname, IP address, or FQDN of the target node is issued as part of this command. Of # course, being Windows, this will never happen, so we need to go ahead and # kill knife and then proceed with the rest of this script to wait until # WinRM is up and we can bootstrap the node with Chef over WinRM. Use the -o to specify a different protocol, such as winrm for windows nodes. bootstrap fails with " FATAL: Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument @ dir_s_mkdir -" command : knife bootstrap -channel current -bootstrap-version 16.1.15 -o winrm <IP_ADDRESS> -x -P <'password'> -N . The bootstrap operation must specify the IP address or FQDN . Installing Chef Server, Chef Development Kit and Chef Client 07 Apr 2015 Chef Server. Nodes are configured using WinRM, which allows native objects—batch scripts, Windows PowerShell scripts, or scripting library variables—to be called by external applications. With a traditional windows machine the traditional "knife bootstrap windows winrm …" approach to bootstrapping works fine. When I use the double quotes all the text turns green meaning that it doesn't see it as a variable. sudo /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem install knife-windows . knife bootstrap. The default value is 2 minutes. ip_addr = nil: IO. knife bootstrap windows winrm. You can now see a list of cookbooks available for adoption! The WinRM gem used by tools like Chef and Vagrant take a certificate file which is expected to be a base 64 encoded public key only . USAGE: knife bootstrap windows winrm FQDN (options) --auth-timeout MINUTES The maximum time in minutes to wait to for authentication over the transport to the node to succeed. Platform Version. The chef-client can be installed on machines running Microsoft Windows in the following ways: By using the knife windows plugin to bootstrap the chef-client; this process requires the target node be available via SSH (port 22) or by using the HTTP or HTTPS ports that are required by WinRM 1 gem installed. knife-windows ships with 2 new subcommands for bootstrapping Windows nodes via the WinRM and SSH protocols. When you first spin up a container (assume a blank server core) you have two methods to interact with it, Direct Powershell from the container host or the docker . Bootstrap Chef on Windows using WinRM In order to bootstrap chef on a Windows server via WinRM, you'll need to install the knife-windows plugin on your CloudBolt instance so that knife will be able to connect to a remote Windows server via the WinRM transport. Embora você possa alternar entre os dois conjuntos de comandos, eles não foram projetados para funcionar juntos. If everything is working we should be prompted with the below message:. knife bootstrap windows winrm <hostname> -x <username> Where hostname is the host to bootstrap and username is the usernmae to use to connect to the host. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. Chef Workstation version: 0.18.3 Chef Infra Client version: 15.10.12. Nodes are configured using WinRM, which allows external applications to call native objects like batch scripts, Windows PowerShell scripts, or scripting library variables. 2 comments Comments. sql_server Cookbook (6.2.2) windows. The main assumption is a baseline OS installation exists. 前面和大家分享了如何在Ubuntu的系统上安装Chef Client,这篇文章给大家分享一下如何在Window平台上通过WorkStation(安装在Ubuntu的系统上)来在Window系统上面自动安装Chef Client,笔者用Window 7 64bit的平台为例子。内存4GB即可。具体步骤如下: Following changes must be made: Configure LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to grant administrative rights to. Com o knife Azure usam a API de gerenciamento de serviço do Azure Manager... 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