Synonym for For further inquiries. I respond to texts only Mondays to Fridays 9am-5pm, and Saturdays 9am-12noon. He was bailed while officers carried out further inquiries. . We often use a business inquiry email to ask a company to give more details about their product or service. additional enquiries. exploration. Synonyms for Further inquiries. The North American and British spelling is different for inquiry or enquiry respectively, while "query" only has one spelling. The meaning of FURTHER is farther. inquest. 3 (Substantiv) in the sense of research. In The Further Inquiry, Kesey examines the trip 25 years after the fact through a surreal courtroom drama. Further inquiries, on the part of all the female servants in succession, elicited no additional information of any sort. Click to see full answer. "About" is just as superfluous as "with you," and "further" feels a bit presumptuous--assuming this is a cover letter, you haven't yet discussed anything with anyone, even if it is your hope to discuss these issues with someone at the company. Appropriate action will be taken and corrective measures instituted to further refine our SOPs based on the outcome of the investigation," said Gen Naravane. I will be accepting Character Design / Concept Art commissions, please view Sample Works on the website for the pricing and message me for any further inquiries. See more. A 15-year-old local youth was also arrested for allegedly attempting to pervert the course of justice and was released on bail pending further inquiries. inquiry. A common problem We often hear how writing emails in English can cost just too much time. 0. 0. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.2. Synonyms for Further Inquiries (other words and phrases for Further Inquiries). Purpose: The purposes of this paper are to provide a description of AI and to document and compare two applications of AI, one in program evaluation and another in an applied research study. You may also like English Quiz Confusables Language Lover's Blog Translate your text Pronunciation Playlists Word of the day: These were investors who should have known that this disclosure should have prompted further inquiry. synonyms. But even if you change enquiry to question, it's stiff and outdated business writing. phrases. The exam is a graduation requirement of the teacher education program at a specific university in Ontario. An important aspect of developing science literacy for all students is developing science-literate teachers. inquiry. The inquiry could be paused at any point and superseded by a police investigation if it "identifies evidence of behaviour that is potentially a criminal offence", according to the terms of reference. if you have any further questions. Answer (1 of 18): Few options are: 1. thesaurus. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this The Further Inquiry study guide. These specialists can answer your questions regarding a particular international adoption agency, including any inquiries into complaints against the . 3 The Guardian - Sport. A drunk driver has been bailed pending a police investigation. . Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. plural inquiries. If I can render any assistance in making these inquiries, I will. In 1889 a further inquiry was undertaken, known as the "Census of Hallucinations," which provided information as to the percentage of individuals in the general population who, at some period of their lives, while they were in a normal state of health, had had "a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object . - Sun Tzu 2. The word "inquiry" is being used in relation to a formal inquest (i.e., an investigation), while "enquiry" is being used to mean "the act of questioning." However, there is still considerable leniency on this distinction. [.] Finally, at least in American . Synonyms for further to include in addition to, together with, along with, besides, as well as, beside, on top of, with, added to and alongside. Further also has an adverbial definition of "moreover; additionally," so you can say "And further, you hurt my feelings" (but not farther). Ready to put your newfound word skills to good use? Contact me in case of doubts. One solution that works for many people is to begin building a "toolbox" of useful phrases. 3. Synonyme. For further inquiries and assistance, please contact the following members of the UNICEF Philippines fundraising team: Benjie Nombrado Donor Care Representative Private Fundraising & Partnerships Tel. But we have to be careful how we embark on our post-incident inquiries and analysis. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Please do not call. MultiUn. I shall endeavour still further to prosecute this inquiry, an inquiry I trust not merely speculative, but of sufficient moment to inspire the pleasing hope of its becoming essentially beneficial to mankind. In the UK, a distinction between "enquiry" and "inquiry" is developing. Here's my version: "Be sure to let us know if you have questions for us." Here's something else to think about "do not hesitate" has a negative feel to it (even though you're sayi. 0. In recent months, athletes have agitated for further inquiries. Translation for 'further inquiries' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. Parts of speech. inquiry (from somebody) (about something) inquiries from prospective students about courses; We received over 300 inquiries about the job. Driven by passion, my eye for details help me execute a project well and it translates into the photographs I take. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In the UK, a distinction between "enquiry" and "inquiry" is developing. It is because it is incumbent on the Income-tax Officer to further investigate the facts stated in the return when circumstances would make such an inquiry prudent that the word "erroneous" in section 263 includes the failure to make such an inquiry. You'll get access to all of the The Further Inquiry content, as well as access to more than 30,000 additional guides . For publicity inquiries, please contact April Whitney at Chronicle Books: Basically, enquiry and inquiry mean investigation, but the words are used in difference contexts. phrases. "To further assist you, I'd be happy to direct you to the bank" "I have Diana on the line, and she'll be happy to further assist you." Further definition, at or to a greater distance; farther: I'm too tired to go further. research. What Cabinet privately feared on Magdalene Laundries: further inquiries into mother and baby homes and a redress bill. "I would like to stress that the . Further discussion of measuring the sector is contained in the report under the heading "Areas for Further Inquiry." Giga-fren. further enquiries. Further details with regards to the inquiries will be announced in due course. further inquiry translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'further to',further education',further afield/farther afield',until further notice', examples, definition, conjugation Randall Amster: WikiLessons: War Is a Joke, But It Isn't Funny. inquiry: [noun] examination into facts or principles : research. Synonymsfor Further inquiry 159 other terms for further inquiry- words and phrases with similar meaning Lists synonyms antonyms definitions examples thesaurus words phrases Parts of speech nouns further investigation n. further research n. further examination n. further inquiries n. additional investigation n. further consideration n. supplementary investigations. Find 82 ways to say FURTHER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. inquiry ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, inquiry là gì: 1. 6 The New York Times . additional surveys. Rigging and Animation commission won't be available for now. Subsequently, question is, what to say instead of let me know if you have any questions? "to further assist you" involves the speaker much more and forces reliance on contextual and/or situational information. Learner's definition of INQUIRY. A formal request submitted to an authority, institution, or organization. See examples for synonyms. There was no multicollinearity with both SES indicators in the model (Tolerance statistic for parental educational attainment level = 0.72 and Tolerance statistic for family income = 0.68), thus no further inquiries about collinearity were deemed necessary. Include your name and… definitions. words. More to the point, though, the sentence feels off in different ways. 1. inquiries about 145. further inquiries 138. make inquiries 123. preliminary inquiries 110. conduct inquiries 110. public inquiries 108. inquiries office. (the process of asking) a question: 2. an official process to discover the facts about…. Should you need further details, I'll be only too pleased to provide them. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.If you require any further information, let me know.. Take the quiz below to see how well you know the difference between further and farther. In case you need to know more, we also have a guide on inquiry email. For media inquiries, please contact Adam Segal, 202 42024673. Collaborating with colleagues on shared problems of practice was also critical to the teachers in this study. Greetings and inquiries about family members tend to be in the local dialect. Lists. Tìm hiểu thêm. additional information. (someone or something) The act of trying to find or looking for. Bringing young people into close contact with . Thanks for understanding and please stay safe everyone. additional investigations. A jack-of-all-trades - my expertise include journalism, wedding, portrait, landscape, food, travel and many others. Design/methodology/approach: Focus groups, interviews and observations were used to gather rich qualitative data which was used to detail Appreciative Inquiry's value in evaluation and research. Answer (1 of 9): It's correct. 0. One aspect of all of this that begs further inquiry is the seeming ineptitude of the military planners. They are different from secondary sources, accounts that retell, analyze, or interpret events, usually at a distance of time or place. 6 . Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. For further details or inquiries, please contact Hub Zwart, co-editor-in-Chief of LSSP ( 2. Rational inquiry definition: An inquiry is a question which you ask in order to get some information. 182 other terms for further inquiries- words and phrases with similar meaning. For further inquiries, please contact the corresponding author. We often use a business inquiry email to ask a company to give more details about their product or service. She refused to answer inquiries from the media about her marriage. further inquiries. He served six weeks before he was granted bail pending an . Suggestions. A formal examination of evidence in a court, typically with a judge. The meaning to be given to the word "erroneous" in section 263 emerges out of this context. Recent reforms in science education require teachers to improve their notions of scientific inquiry and design effective inquiry-based lessons. Search for further inquiry and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. In this way, do let me know if you need any further information? Synonyms for Additional Inquiries (other words and phrases for Additional Inquiries). [count] : a request for information. Ad-free experience & advanced Chrome extension. There Is a Distinction Developing in the UK. synonyms for inquiries Compare Synonyms analysis audit examination hearing inspection interrogation investigation probe query question questioning request research scrutiny search study survey check cross-examination disquisition exploration grilling inquest inquisition interrogatory poll pursuit quest Q and A catechizing delving fishing expedition But as said above, inquiries cannot be allowed to be any less thorough in order to keep within estimated budgets. For further inquiries on my services, I am reachable at +60125980569 and ahmadzamzahuri . plural inquiries. Synonyms for FURTHER: beyond, farther, yon, yonder, additionally, again, also, besides; Antonyms for FURTHER: discourage, frustrate, hinder, inhibit Find 16 ways to say ENQUIRY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. further inquiries carry out an inquiry chair an inquiry competition inquiry demand an inquiry extensive inquiries formal inquiry further inquiries initial inquiry intellectual inquiry internal inquiry Show more. For media inquiries, please contact media (at) dashannestokes (dot) com. Prisoners were remanded for further inquiries, bail being refused. This study was designed to help science teachers increase their science content knowledge, identify and . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 4. In case you need to know more, we also have a guide on inquiry email. thesaurus. further investigation. The original bed has been taken away for examination and our inquiries are continuing. What about "for further assistance" when the speaker is not the one assisting. suggest new. Contexts . Example: Upon further inquiry, the man confessed to stealing. Lists. With the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, many middle school teachers found themselves in a position where they were no longer qualified to teach middle school science. The Origin of "inquiry" is anglo-french from the word "enqueren" while "query" is Latin in origin from the word "quaere". Le service d'enquête a rejeté cette demande, au motif que le procureur n'était pas habilité à lui ordonner un complément d ' enquête . noun. 5 The Guardian. 5. (needed for further inquiries, subpoena, ect,): EurLex-2. Further definition, at or to a greater distance; farther: I'm too tired to go further. sentences. Farther vs. Further: Usage Guide Synonym Discussion of Further. - Edward Jenner 3. You wish to have more information, just call me. All six have been bailed pending further inquiries. Synonyms for further include additional, more, increased, fresh, other, extra, new, supplementary, added and another. Other translations. Synonyms for INQUIRY: delving, disquisition, examen, examination, exploration, inquest, inquisition, investigation Primary sources are the raw materials of history — original documents and objects that were created at the time under study. See more. Synonym Discussion of Inquire. sentences. The research reported here is part of a larger study and examines the cases of two individuals who were initially unable to achieve the required 60% passing grade on a Mathematics for Teaching Exam at the end of their first enrolment in an intermediate-level mathematics methods course. synonyms antonyms definitions sentences thesaurus phrases suggest new for all other matters for all other questions for any other question for any questions for further inquiries for further questioning for other questions if in doubt if you are not sure if you are unsure if you have a question if you have additional questions Log in. Find more similar words at! suggest new. further research. supplementary surveys. 5 The New York Times - Sports Most of the doctors have not received further inquiries from investigators, Mr. Pretl said. nouns. • A general addressee, such as "To whom it may concern" should be cause for further inquiry. He was released on police bail last night pending further inquiries. Feel free to ask questions here if you didn't find what you were looking for in my entries. I found that country pub which I had already recommended to your notice, and there I made my discreet inquiries. For any clarification, feel free to write to me. "CSA respects the SJN process and we are engaging with the report in detail and holistically. 4 The New York Times In recent months, athletes have agitated for further inquiries. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. How to use further in a sentence. All three have been released on bail, pending further inquiries. antonyms. A systematic study to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Inquiry emails are emails used to ask for information. For further inquiries, please call… mkaI'll have to make a few inquiries and get back to you. 4 The New York Times - Sports. definitions. The investigation has switched to a new line of inquiry. 1 other term for for further inquiries- words and phrases with similar meaning. to put a question : seek for information by questioning; to make investigation or inquiry —often used with into; to ask about… See the full definition There Is a Distinction Developing in the UK. An act or instance of eliciting information. The man, who has not been named, was released on police bail pending further inquiries and forensic tests. Inquiry and enquiry are two of the most commonly confused words in English.They have almost identical meanings and come from similar root words but understanding the subtlety of the differences between inquiry and enquiry is important and will make your writing look more elegant. This inquiry is a good indicator of interest in open source appropriate technology design. Getting Started with Primary Sources. The inquiry's wide ranging terms of reference calls for the commission to examine contributing risk factors including pre-service, training and deployment, transition, separation and post . So, an inquiry response is simply the email you write in response to an inquiry you received earlier. I am a professional photographer with a vast experience of over 10 years. scrutiny. I will be happy to clarify any doubts you m. or chiefly British enquiry /ɪn ˈ kwaɪri/ / ˈ ɪnkwəri/. You can complete the list of synonyms of for further inquiry given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. Despite the many pronouncements on the Magdalene Laundries, the State is hugely concerned at the payout it may have to make, writes Conall Ó Fátharta. synonyms. Find more similar words at! Inquiry definition: An inquiry is a question which you ask in order to get some information. The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday. antonyms. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. The word "inquiry" is being used in relation to a formal inquest (i.e., an investigation), while "enquiry" is being used to mean "the act of questioning." However, there is still considerable leniency on this distinction. Inquiry emails are emails used to ask for information. While the text itself is not as engrossing as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Kesey's first book which catapulted him to early fame at 23), devotees of Beat will find the bus tramscript snippets of interest and the layout and full-color . This is a challenging task particularly for preservice teachers (PTs) who may not have experienced inquiry learning themselves, and who do not possess a large repertoire of teaching strategies or knowledge of student thinking in the domain. So, an inquiry response is simply the email you write in response to an inquiry you received earlier. For appointments, you may contact me via the following methods: email: cellphone: +63-906-357-8898 (text message only. Disagreeing with the order, the inquiry official objected the additional inquiry, stating that the public prosecutor has no authority to instruct inquiry officials to carry out further inquiry. other information .
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