The latent space of NetGAN [20] reveals topological properties instead of generative parameters. For synthetic data, the K-dimensional generative factors zare designed to be an ideal such representation. Here we propose Graph Spectral Regularization for making hidden layers more interpretable without significantly impacting performance on the primary task. 7. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations By Xinqi Zhu, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao Published in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Oral, Best Paper Candidate), 2021. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations," in Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021), June 2021. Where and What? A disentangled representation may be viewed as a concise representation of the variation in data we care about most - the generative factors. Here is the paper that got 9 reviews at CVPR 2021! zhuxinqimac has 63 repositories available. The robust model is trained via objective (1) for l2 robustness. This property can potentially help people under-stand or discover knowledge in the embeddings. We focus on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and revisit the visualization of CNN representations, methods of diagnosing representations of pre-trained CNNs, approaches for disentangling pre-trained CNN representations, learning of CNNs with disentangled representations, and middle-to-end learning based on model interpretability. Latent representations are then extracted to capture interpretable facial semantics. 39 Another work combines novel neural units, called capsules, to construct a capsule network. 转瞬之间,已到六月中旬,CVPR 2021 大会即将开幕。前不久已公布入围 CVPR 2021 最佳论文候选名单。包含人体姿态估计、分割、点云、自监督、神经渲染等多种研究方向、共计 32 篇。快来看看有你 pick 的那篇吗?或… A model-agnostic, unbiased stochastic approximation of this term based on Hutchinson's estimator to compute it efficiently during training and provides empirical evidence that the Hessian Penalty encourages substantial shrinkage when applied to over-parameterized latent spaces. We discuss the validity of this assumption in Section 6. . However, unlike the independence assumption, In this work, we make it possible to get rid of labels for disentangling meaningful facial semantics. Some experts differentiate explanations from . Given the requirement for model Created by: Antonio Kelley. However, unlike the independence assumption, interpretability has rarely been exploited to encourage disentanglement in the unsupervised setting. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations Xinqi Zhu, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao The University of Sydney {xzhu7491@uni.,c.xu@,dacheng.dao@} Abstract Capturing interpretable variations has long been one of the goals in disentanglement learning. The model generates a reconstruction through an intermediate disentangled representation. We discuss the validity of this assumption in Section 6. . Created by: Clyde Smith. 2.2 Music Representation Disentanglement Learning disentangled representations is an ideal solution to the problem above, since: 1) representation learning embeds discrete music and control sequences into a con-tinuous latent space, and 2) disentanglement techniques can further decompose the latent space into interpretable Deep neural networks can perform wonderful feats thanks to their extremely large and complicated web of parameters. Learning from demonstration is an effective method for human users to instruct desired robot behaviour. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations. Disentangled representations are known to repre-sent interpretable factors in separated dimensions. 5867-5876 Brain Image Synthesis with Unsupervised Multivariate Canonical CSC ℓ4Net pp. Published 'Commutative Lie Group VAE for Disentanglement Learning (Oral/Long Talk)' on ICML 2021. Subsequent work has generalized this to discrete representations [5], and simple hierarchical representations [6]. Where and What? Published 'Where and What? Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations By Xinqi Zhu, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao. achieve high accuracies [8]. Xinqi Zhu, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021, pp. Where and What? See a review of representation learning for more info. Information Maximizing GAN (InfoGAN) Chen, Xi, et al. The result is a disentangled latent space, where concepts are neatly separated in each layer and the activation of neurons corresponds with their respective concepts. Capturing interpretable variations has long been one of the goals in disentanglement learning. "Such disentanglement can provide us with a much clearer understanding of how the network gradually learns concepts over layers," Chen says. Let an input \(x\) produce the Gaussian encoding distribution for a single concept \(h(x)_i = \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma_i)\). We, and others, have shown that autoencoders can be explainable models and interpreted in terms of biology. Page topic: "Interpretable Neuron Structuring with Graph Spectral Regularization". DisenGCN [19] focuses on interpretability, but is limited to node-level linking mechanisms. 32 . Regarding intrinsic interpretable network architectures, learning a disentangled la- tent space has been applied to learn interpretable latent factors that are related to pitch and timbre [65]—in the context of musical instrument recognition—and related to chord and texture [66]—in the context of generative models of polyphonic music. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations Xinqi Zhu The University of Sydney 11:50-12:10 Hilbert Sinkhorn Divergence for Optimal Transport Qian Li, Zhichao Wang The University of Sydney, UNSW 12:20-12:30 Discussion 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Video Understanding 14:00-14:20 T2VLAD: Global-Local Sequence Disentangled representation A representation in which changes to one feature leave other features unchanged. X Zhu, C Xu, D Tao. Learning an interpretable factorised representation of the independent data generative factors of the world without supervision is an important precursor for the development of artificial intelligence that is able to learn and reason in the same way that humans do. min θ E(x . [] suggest a way to disentangle the representation of variational autoencoders [] with β-VAESubsequent work has generalized this to discrete representations [], and simple . Unlike the independence assumption, interpretability has rarely been exploited to encourage disentanglement in the unsupervised setting. 39 Another work combines novel neural units, called capsules, to construct a capsule network. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations. A latent code is easily to be interpreted if it would consistently impact a certain subarea of the resulting generated image. We introduce Constr-DRKM, a deep kernel method for the unsupervised learning of disentangled data representations. properties of the latent space of the learned model in a photorealistic synthetic environment and particularly focus on examining its usability for downstream tasks. Yordan Hristov, Daniel Angelov, Michael Burke, Alex Lascarides, . Where and What? Follow their code on GitHub. Interpretable and robust systems via disentangled representation learning We enhance deep learning systems' interpretability and robustness by building models upon disentangled representations to tease apart underlying dependencies of data and connect output representations with input causal factors. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations 1 code implementation • CVPR 2021 • Xinqi Zhu , Chang Xu , DaCheng Tao a disentangled representation may be viewed as a concise representation of the variation in data we care about most - the . similar data points [4]. Other post hoc techniques involve turning different artificial neurons on and off and examining how these changes affect the output of the AI model. Working on disentangled representation learning in computer vision. Interpretability versus explainability. Posted by Oran Lang and Inbar Mosseri, Software Engineers, Google Research. If the internal representation of a deep network is partly disentangled, one possible path for under- Xinqi Zhu (University of Sydney); Chang Xu (University of Sydney); Dacheng Tao (The University of Sydney) 3225: Learning To Recover 3D Scene Shape From a Single Image Where and What? to learn interpretable embeddings of images. no code implementations • ICCV 2021 • Wenbin Xie, Dehua Song, Chang Xu, Chunjing Xu, HUI ZHANG, Yunhe Wang + 0 is an interpretable model. Directly interpretable model A model that consumers can usually understand, such as a simple decision tree or Boolean rule set. Published in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Oral, Best Paper Candidate), 2021. A disentangled representation aligns its variables with a meaningful factorization of the underlying problem structure, and encouraging disentangled representations is a significant area of research [5]. For instance, interpretable convolutional neural networks (CNN) add a regularization loss to higher convolutional layers of CNN to learn disentangled representations, resulting in filters that could detect semantically meaningful natural objects. Although these methods are clearly interpretable, they do not provide any unique insights into why the model made those decisions. Some recent works on interpretable graph embeddings [12, 21-24] Their main idea is to use mutual information to force the individual dimen-sions of the learned latent representation to correspond to in-formative properties. In natural language processing (NLP), works of dis-entangled representations have shown notable im-pacts on sentence and document-level applications. Here is the paper that got 9 reviews at CVPR 2021! Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to interpret and understand the visual world. Given . Title: Interpretable Deep Learning with Disentangled Representations @9:00am Over the recent years, deep learning has emerged as a powerful method for learning feature representations from complex input data, and it has been greatly successful in computer vision, speech recognition, and language modeling. Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations pp. Capturing interpretable variations has long been one of the goals in disentanglement . represents by examining the feature shared by these maximizing . The code for computing the TPL for model checkpoints from disentanglemen_lib can be found in this repository. Page topic: "Investigation of using disentangled and interpretable representations for one-shot cross-lingual voice conversion". representation of the entire graph [13-18]. . Disentangled representations [ 8 , 18 , 20 , 31 ] seek mappings between high-dimensional inputs and low-dimensional representations such that representation dimensions correspond to the ground-truth factors that generated the data (which are presumed to be interpretable). Capturing interpretable variations has long been one of the goals in disentanglement learning. However, unlike the independence assumption, interpretability has . CVPR 2021 Open Access Repository. Examining and Combating Spurious . But their complexity is also their curse: The inner workings of neural networks are often a mystery—even to their creators. Here, we review studies of learning disentangled representations of neural networks, where representations in middle layers are no longer a black box but have clear semantic meanings. Language: english. We seek latent data representations that are not only post-hoc explainable (Laugel et al., 2019; Caruana et al., 2020), but also intrinsically interpretable (Rudin, 2019). X Zhu, C Xu, D Tao. Learning Frequency-aware Dynamic Network for Efficient Super-Resolution. Unlike the independence assumption, interpretability has rarely been exploited to encourage disentanglement in the unsupervised setting. ↩. Autoencoders have been used to model single-cell mRNA-sequencing data with the purpose of denoising, visualization, data simulation, and dimensionality reduction. Disentangled representation learning is a branch of deep unsupervised learning that produces interpretable factorised low-dimensional representations of the training data (Bengio et al., 2013; Higgins et al., 2017). Additionally, through a . 작성자:탕톈이 ruc ai box 텍스트 링크: 글을 속히 람 | acl 2021 소유자 571 편의 장문 분류 하여 안내 acl-ijcnlp 2021은 ccf 클래스의 a 급 회의로, 자연 언어 처리 (natural language processing, nlp) 분야에서 인공지능 분야의 가장 권위 있는 국제 회의이다.제11회 자연어 처리 국제 연합 (the joint conference of the 59th annual
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