Supply chain disruption propagation: A systemic risk and normal accident theory perspective: International Journal of Production Research: Disruptions, Aspects, Phenomena: 69 (Scholten and Schilder, 2015) The role of collaboration in supply chain resilience: Supply Chain Management: Capability building, Aspects, Areas of enhancements: 70 The impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 supply chain management practices The International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM) examines current, state-of-the-art research in the areas of SCM and the interactions, linkages, applications, and support of SCM using information systems. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM) publishes high quality refereed articles in the field of operations and supply chain management. Supply chain and logistics controller – two promising professions for supporting transparency in supply chain management. International Academic Journal of Procurement and Supply Chain Management | Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. The International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains ( IJMVSC ) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of value and supply chain management. Understanding environmentally friendly apparel consumption: an empirical study of Chinese consumers, International Journal of Sustainable Society, 8(3), 206 – 227. Impact of knowledge management capability on supply chain management and organizational practices in logistics industry N Bahar, SN Wahab, M Rahman VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 51 (5), 677–692 , 2021 [10] emphasize great promptness during this decade. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score … Supply Chain Management-An International Journal Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. 1-11 International Academic Journals | Open Access | Peer Review | Online Journal Publishers 2 | P a g e ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the factors that affect logistic support to military IIIrd Yr., Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India 2(Prof. … After the 21 st century, scholars began to conduct extensive and in-depth research on the extension of green supply chain management. Clarivate (Thomsen-Reuters) have published the new journal impact factors. Finally, the interested reader is referred to some important reviews where facility location issues in the context of SCND are discussed: Bhatnagar and Sohal (on the impact of location factors, uncertainty and manufacturing practices in supply chain competitiveness), Daskin et al. A Framework for traceable and transparent supply chain management for agri-food sector in Malaysia using blockchain technology. Goal 1: Achieve Efficient Fulfillment. On the most basic level, the purpose of supply chain management is to make inventory readily available in customer facing positions to fulfill demand. The fresh produce business adage “you can’t sell from an empty wagon” highlights this fundamental purpose of supply chain management. The International Journal of Logistic Management 18.2: 197-216. Note: The following text refers to a previous version of the JCR impact factors. International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar- Apr 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Using IoT in Supply Chain Management Avani Phase1, Nalini Mhetre2 1(Student-B.E. Partial least squares (PLS) algorithm is used to process the data. Impact Factors of Supply Chain Management Journals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Volume 5 Number 2 2015 Pandit, D., Yadav, S. M. and Vallabhbhai, S. (2015). The impact score (IS) 2020 of Supply Chain Management is 8.93, which is computed in 2021 as per its definition.Supply Chain Management IS is increased by a factor of 2.92 and approximate percentage change is 48.59% when compared to preceding year 2019, which shows a rising trend. 2. Supply chain management has become an effective tool The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of OC and SCM on OP. Laura Birou, Remko Van Hoek. The ranking percentile of Supply Chain Management is around 97% in the … International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (IJSOM) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal and is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the engineering & management field as a whole. A more recent version are the 2018 JCR impact factors (see there).. Few days ago, Thomson Reuters published the 2015 impact factors of well-known management journals as part of their Journal Citation Reports.Two SCM-related journals have an impact factor of 4 or larger: … Handling it efficiently will help the firm reduce pollution and save cost. Int. The journal seeks papers that have a clear focus on the applicability in the real business world including all kinds of services and manufacturing industries, e.g. JUNE 29, 2018. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Volume 24, Issue 6 (2021) See all volumes and issues. Koh, S.C Lenny, Mehmet Demirbag, Erkan Bayraktar, Ekrem Tatoglu, Selim Zaim. All organizations around the world are realizing the importance of supply chains and the impact of their performance on the business. Number of disastrous events are rising globally, and it is important to manage the humanitarian supply chain management process to assist the disaster affected individuals… The mission of the Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management is to publish original, high-quality research within the field of purchasing and supply management (PSM). of … Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management SCM operations are becoming more important in the It is great to see that the 2018 impact factors of all but one journals related to supply chain management have increased again, which highlights the rapidly growing relevance of our discipline. A good indication for this development are the 2017 JCR journal impact factors , which have just been released. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management Vol. Journal of Supply Chain Management Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed … • Impact Factor • Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board • Guide for Authors p.1 p.2 p.2 p.2 p.2 p.5 ISSN: 1478-4092 DESCRIPTION. Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement is the major peer-reviewed journal publishing in-depth articles and case studies on new thinking, innovative practices and emerging issues in how to deliver cost effective, efficient, resilient and adaptable supply chain management, logistics and procurement.It examines key practical issues from a business, risk … Recently, it has become an important issue to ensure sustainability, especially in food supply chains, against the rapidly growing population, increasing demand, and sudden disruptions caused by uncertain times such as that caused by COVID-19. african journal of procurement, logistics & supply chain management journal doi: 10.15373/22501991 online publishing issn: 2676-2730 journal impact factor (if): 6.782 international open acess peer review research journal European Journal of Logistics Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Vol.2, No. 3. New research finds top factors to increase supply chain resilience to Global Supply Chains Failed in the Face of COVID-19. In 2007, it was repositioned with the mission of being the journal of choice among supply chain management scholars, by attracting high-quality, high-impact behavioral research focusing on theory-building and empirical methodologies. Objectives. Factors affecting efficient construction project design development: A perspective from India. In order to improve the environmental effect on this supply chain network, recovery activity becomes a significant part in the reverse logistics network, due to complexity and heterogeneity. Appl. Kumar et al. The ranking … Likewise, the journal’s 5-year impact factor has increased from 5.868 in 2019 to 8.698 in 2020. Chi, T. and Zheng, Y. W. (2016). Supply Chain Management has been ranked #6 over 218 related journals in the Business, Management and Accounting (all) research category. Articles should have a significant impact on PSM theory and practice. Sustainable disaster supply chain management for relief operations in Bangladesh Zerin Tasnim, Abu Bakar A. Hamid, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Mahmud A. Shareef. Journal of Supply Chain Management has been ranked #1 over 159 related journals in the Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) research category. Editorial objectives. A study of factors affecting supply chain performance. E-598, Ground Floor, Palam Extension Near Ramphal chowk, Sector-7, Dwarka New Delhi - 110077 011-28082485; 011-47044510 +91-9899775880; +91-9212715375 environment, Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a key strategic factor for increasing organizational effectiveness. As per available reports about 120 journals, 284 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to supply chain management and about 9170 articles are being published on the current trends in supply chain management.In terms of research annually, USA, Canada, UK, India, Korea, and European countries are some of the leading countries where maximum … All aspects of the subject in relation to Logistics, Supply and … Since food supply chains has vulnerable products and processes, it is critical to understand the sustainability … The impact of green supply chain management on corporate performance is one of the hot research directions. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 76:50-60. Supply chain management has become an effective tool in logistics, transportation, health care, manufacturing-based services, production planning and control, and supply chain management. In mid-2009, Starbucks announced a legitimate attempt to address some very vocal stakeholder issues to clean up its supply chain by starting efforts to ensure that single-use cups are recyclable by 2012. explored the critical success aspects for the implementation of supply chain management, verifying that organizational behaviors, such as culture, vision, and structure, broadly impact supply chain quality management. 4.2 Supply Chain Management and its impact 4.2.1 Green Supply Chain. -The Impact of the Green Supply Chain Management on Environmental-Based Marketing Performance, Suleiman A. Al Khattab1*, As’ad H. Abu-Rumman2, Ma’n Mustafa Massad2 Journal of Service Science and Management, 2015, 8, 588-597 Logistics is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of logistics and supply chain management published quarterly online by MDPI.The first issue has been released in December 2017. Edited by: Tingting Yan, and Mark Pagell, Co-Editors-in-Chief; Lutz Kaufman, European Editor, Ely Paiva, Latin American Editor, Dayna Simpson, Asia Pacific Editor. , Min and Zhou , and Owen and Daskin . The challenges posed by globalisation and rapidly changing technology trends directly affects supply chain design and management. 505-519 (15) Author: Dobroszek, Justyna. A linear regression approach to evaluate the green supply chain management impact on industrial organizational performance. The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management on Firm Performance. The scopes of the European Journal of Business and Management (EJBM) include, but not limited to business, management, marketing, finance, economics, human resource management, strategies and decision science. 1 Meaning, the higher the impact factor, the more important the journal. Sci. Critical Success Factors of Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Study ... Impact of green supply chain management practices on firms’ performance: an empirical study from the perspective of Pakistan ... Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. Supply chain management talent: the role of executives in engagement, recruitment, development and retention. The objectives of IJVCM are to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, corporate bodies, practitioners, academic, research institutions and government agencies, and to understand how enterprises harness new opportunities to create value, reinvent value chains and alter industry structures. Journal of Marketing|Impact Factor=7.284. Volume 57, Issue 4 p. 3-25. In the supply chain management area (SCM), some definitions of the concept of risk are proposed(ex. The journal is associated with the Brazilian Association for Industrial Engineering … Research results show a link between supply chain linkage and business performance. The journal invites original contributions that present modeling, empirical, review, and conceptual works. The only SCM journal with an impact factor above 6 is Journal of Supply Chain Management (6.105). Journal of Supply Chain Management. Two journals have an impact factor larger than 7: Journal of Operations… 2007. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3406–3414(ISI impact factor: 3.354). The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management. The mission of the Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management is to publish original, high-quality research within the field of purchasing and supply management (PSM).. Favourites: ADD. European Journal of Business and Management. Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the individual effects of organizational culture (OC) and supply chain management (SCM) practices on organizational performance (OP) in different settings. At the core of supply chain management (SCM) is the conversion of materials and components into finished products as well as the logistics activities to get those products to the market (Srivastava, Shervani, and Fahey 1999).When several supply chains failed to get products to the market during the COVID-19 pandemic—specifically, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, … This is done firstly by positioning the research agenda in Supply chain Risk Management (SCRM).Then, methods for effective management of supply chain risk are identified and analysed. Manuscripts accepted for publication in IJSCM must have clear implications for Supply chain … The Journal ensures that high quality research is collected and disseminated widely to both academics and … Supply Chain Management Practices, Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance: A Confirmatory Factor Model: 10.4018/ijisscm.2014040102: Supply chain is the process of continuous flow of products or services from source to the destination. 2019; 10 (11):149–156. 435. The study is based on the analysis of a large number of publications on supply chain management (books, journal articles, and conference papers) using a Procite© database … african journal of procurement, logistics & supply chain management journal doi: 10.15373/22501991 online publishing issn: 2676-2730 journal impact factor (if): 6.782 international open acess peer review research journal ABC Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 1, No 2 (2012) ISSN 2304-2621 ... Environmental Factors that influence Supply Chain Management Implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: A Case of ... perceived cost of developing and running a supply chain management system. Neha Mittal is an Associate Professor of Instruction, in the field of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Fox School of Business, Temple University. International Journal of Production Research, Volume 59, Issue 24 (2021) See all volumes and issues. [Rathore* et al., 5(9): September, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655 IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116 IJESRT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIER SELECTION PROCESS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Chandraveer Singh Rathore*, Sachin Agarwal M. Tech. The Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM) seeks to disseminate research results and to support high level learning, teaching and research in the areas of traffic and transportation (operations, policy, planning), customer service, warehousing, inventory management, procurement, packaging, materials handling, reverse logistics, demand … Claviate Analytics have recently published their newest InCites Journal Citation Reports. Supply Chain Management Practices, Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance: A Confirmatory Factor Model: 10.4018/ijisscm.2014040102: Supply chain is the process of continuous flow of products or services from source to the destination. Our objective is precisely to contribute to the enrichment of the corpus on supply chain risk management, on which Sodhi and al. Furthermore, research shows that risk supply chain, quality management, and business strategy also impact supply chain linkages and business performance. The Journal of Supply Chain Management is a one-of-a-kind, quarterly publication written specifically for and by supply management professionals and academicians. Influences of firm orientations on sustainable supply chain management. The sample of the study consisted of 93 manufacturing firms in Jordan. While negotiation within ongoing buyer–supplier relationships is a key element in supply chain management, the emphasis in the literature has been on one-time, isolated event negotiations. The Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM) seeks to disseminate research results and to support high level learning, teaching and research in the areas of traffic and transportation (operations, policy, planning), customer service, warehousing, inventory management, procurement, packaging, materials handling, reverse logistics, demand … 1, pp.1- 16, March 2014 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( 1 ASSESSMENT OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND IT EFFECTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF KASAPREKO COMPANY LIMITED IN GHANA. The pandemic has shaken global supply chains, highlighting the importance of enhanced management and fresh priorities. We would also note that the Journals impact factor with self-citations removed was 5.842. The Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (JHLSCM) is targeted at academics and practitioners in humanitarian public and private sector organizations working on all aspects of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management.The journal promotes the exchange of knowledge, experience and new ideas between researchers … 2007. With a bachelor's degree, you can usually qualify for entry-level jobs in supply chain management. Adding experience in the field to your education could allow you to pursue supervisory positions. Some possible job titles include purchasing manager, materials handler, warehousing supervisor, customs specialist and quality control analyst. The International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM) examines current, state-of-the-art research in the areas of SCM and the interactions, linkages, applications, and support of SCM using information systems.
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