CIA Agent Salary And Career Guide 2021 All You Need To Know. Although CIA special agents in investigations generally work at CIA headquarters, overseas travel may be conducted at times. The CITP at the FLETC is a 56-day training program that is designed to serve as a basic framework in criminal investigations. Playing cloak-and-dagger games is no longer just for fun or amusement. Individuals who have successfully satisfied all of the components of the training program are then assigned as either Operations Officers or Collection Management Officers. How common is it for an employer to pro-rate a salary increase if you joined in middle of the year? Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The Director deals with acquisitions, communications, human resources, strategic resource management, and internal oversight. This program also features real-life scenarios through which students work as members of small task force teams in a continuing case investigation. Many listings are from partners who compensate us, which may influence which the Recruiter hasn't brought it up yet..Also any insights on what to expect from the interview? or M.S. Upon being hired, new hires must complete an 18-month CIA training program. The table shows the General Schedule (GS) 2021 with the 10 steps. The CIA provides the intelligence that is used by policymakers when creating or amending national policies by: (1) providing accurate and timely intelligence regarding foreign threats to national security; and (2) conducting counterintelligence related to foreign intelligence and national security under the direction of the President. in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Associate's Degree, Post-Degree Law Enforcement Certificates, Criminal Justice Associate's Bachelor's Degrees, Online Master of Science in Law Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration, Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security & Counterterrorism, and M.S. The average salary is $7,175 a month $6,583 - $7,375 29% of jobs $8,041 is the 75th percentile. Does any one in this board work for Humana in the provider contracting professional/contract negotiating role? According to the CIA website, CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer or Specialized Skills Officer income ranges from $62,556 to $103,639 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. However, the CIA works with other federal law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, on a number of issues, such as counterintelligence. They accomplish the CIAs mission by providing human intelligence, which is then used by the president and senior policymakers of the United States. The salary range for CIA protective agents is between $50,000 and $95,000. They take care of the counterterrorism and counter-narcotics, track nuclear proliferation, supervise parliamentary operations, and work as a Special Operations Group to deal with the highly skilled weaponry. The mysterious and action-packed world of an Agent with the Central Intelligence Agency is intriguing to nearly everyone interested in law enforcement. Please check back periodically as our hiring needs change. The OIG accomplishes its goal of independent oversight through: The OIG provides the Director, the CIA and Congressional intelligence committees with their findings, and they are often responsible for making recommendations based upon their gathered intelligence. Those interested in learning how to become a CIA agent by entering the agency as a core collector, may follow one of two paths: CIA Professional Trainee (PT) Program The CIA Professional Trainee Program is a competitive program that accepts only those individuals with bachelor or graduate degrees. The CIA requires employees to live in the Washington D.C. area as a condition of their employment. Competition for employment with the CIA is very stiff, but applicants can improve their chances by mastering foreign languages. I joined in January. If you are thinking of becoming a CIA Agent or planning the next step in your career, find details about, CIA CIA Agent salaries - 2 salaries reported, Blue Beacon CIA Agent salaries - 1 salaries reported, Liberty Mutual Insurance CIA Agent salaries - 1 salaries reported, the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a CIA Agent. How To Become Court Clerk Full Career Guide, FBI VS CIA Whats the Difference Between Two Agencies? The employment process includes, at a minimum, a medical examination, a number of personal interviews, a psychological assessment, and a thorough background investigation, which includes a polygraph examination. CIA agent salary: Although the government keeps it secret and does not reveal it to the public, but the expected basic salary after becoming a CIA agent is $40,000 to $60,000 yearly for entry level. Specifically, candidates for these investigative positions must: The CIA strongly prefers that candidates for special agent jobs complete the Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). CIA agents are highly trained and skilled investigative professionals who often possess expertise in certain areas. Their interpretation of the information influences the policymaking of the U.S; therefore, they need to have strong writing and analytic skills. As the name suggests, the FBI focuses on investigating the crime while the CIA focuses on gathering intelligence. This unit has members from a vast array of disciplines, and the information they contain can be from different sources like the information that appears on TV, radio, magazines, or in newspapers. The Support unit handles the rest of the work that the CIA performs internally; it supports its mission by performing several duties. These professionals, often referred to as CIA special agents or CIA investigators, are tasked with identifying inefficiencies or violations of CIA operations. These investigative professionals may work alone, within investigative teams, or as leaders of investigative teams. All school search, finder, or match results, as well as colleges and universities displayed as "Featured School(s)" or "Sponsored Content" are advertisers that compensate us for placement on this site. How much money does a CIA agent make a month? - Quora These CIA professionals must have extensive knowledge of investigative techniques and procedures, and they must be able to analyze large amounts of data. CIA teams include: The NCS and the DS&T are responsible for the collection of intelligence. Salary: CIA Agent (October, 2022) | Glassdoor Therefore, you'll notice rather broad starting salary ranges: Collection Management Officer Starting salary: $59,426 - $90,461 Top 20 agents earn $128,690 on average, while middle 60% agents earn $77,210. Central Intelligence Agency salaries: How much does Central - Indeed I have 4 virtual rounds. A Central Intelligence Agency agent earns between $108,000 and $140,000 per year. Therefore, the salaries of the CIA agents do not always depend upon the CIA ranks. Central Intelligence Agency CIA is an independent foreign intelligence and counterintelligence agency that provides national security intelligence to the policymakers in the United States. The highest salary for a CIA Agent in United States is $80,206 per year. People often confuse the CIA with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and assume that both organizations have similar functionalities, which is not the case. All five departments are working under the supervision of the Director of the National Security. Get A Criminal Justice Job Faster And Easier. Step increases are aut Continue Reading Matt Jennings The CITP includes classroom lectures, laboratories, and practical exercises that are all used to impart upon students the critical knowledge, abilities and skills they will need as criminal investigators. Clandestine Service (CST) Program The Clandestine Service Program also requires a bachelor or graduate degree, although individuals within this program also have a number of years of military or business experience. According to the CIA website, CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer or Specialized Skills Officer income ranges from $62,556 to $103,639 per year. Just a few of the areas covered by CITP training include: Our site does not feature every educational option available on the market. The easiest way to sum up the difference between the two agencies is to understand what the I and what it stands for in their names. in Criminal Justice - Criminology, and M.S. The US government trusts this group of highly qualified individuals to protect American citizens in various locations around the world. cia declassified documents pdf 10% $41k MEDIAN $66k 90% $111k The average salary for an FBI Agent is $66,266 Base Salary $41k - $111k Bonus $250 - $21k Profit Sharing $203 - $3k Commission $0 - $2k Total Pay $40k - $117k. Cia Agent Salary in Washington, District of Columbia | $7,375 - $8,167 $8,167 - $8,958 8% of jobs $8,958 - $9,750 5% of jobs $10,041 is the 90th percentile. Specifically, candidates for these investigative positions must: Be United States citizens. CIA Security Professionals, who work as part of the agencys national security intelligence, are part of a worldwide program that is designed to protect CIA personnel and the activities and programs in which they are involved. The average CIA agent salary varies based on the level of expertise and rank in the unit. If you want to learn more about the CIA and join the agency, click on the link provided below. The estimated additional pay is $16,265 per year. How to become a CIA agent California and District of Columbia take the second and third place with $46,281 per Year and $46,086 per Year in the list. As a CIA officer, you may travel out of the country for work. programs we write about. However, not all CIA Agents work in remote locations, tracking down the next threat to America. Only then we will be able to understand the CIA pay scale. CIA Agent Salary | Average Pay [2022] The CIA collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for safeguarding the national security of the U.S. Their main aim is to stop foreign threats before they even touch U.S soil. The lowest salary for a CIA Agent in United States is $35,372 per year. The biggest factors that influence CIA Agent income are the level of training and the location of the position. Gather political and military intelligence from around the world. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. $9,750 - $10,542 2% of jobs $10,542 - $11,333 The inspection staff consists of senior officers who conduct component inspections (assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of office-level components) and issue inspections (addresses topics that may affect broad segments of the agency). Average Central Intelligence Agency hourly pay ranges from approximately $11.96 per hour for Food Manager to $52.44 per hour for Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Many listings are from partners who compensate us, which may influence which The DI analyzes the intelligence and produces reports that are given to policymakers, while the DS is tasked with overseeing the entire process to ensure that all operations run smoothly. Individually reported data submitted by users of our website Base Salary $35,816 $41,433 Medium $49,023 Highest Paying Cities for Cia Agent in the United States Cia Agent salaries in the United States will pay differently by cities. These services of these CIA professionals include physical and technical security, program security, cyber security, and personnel security, among others. Their work includes the hiring and training process, financial management, medical services, facilities services, logistics, and many others. CIA Agent Salary in Rockford, IL $62,387 - ZipRecruiter research before making any education decisions. FBI Background Checks All You Need To Know, Best Undergraduate Criminal Justice Schools, What Is A Court Clerk? Job opportunities in military and protective services depend heavily on government budgets that may not be flexible. The OIG is organized into three, operational units to ensure the offices efficient operation: The OIGs audit staff consists of auditors who are responsible for performing financial audits and performance reviews of CIA programs and activities. The investigations staff consists of a number of professionally trained investigators who are responsible for investigating laws, rules and regulations involving internal fraud, waste, mismanagement, or other violations. The estimated additional pay is $16,273 per year. CIA Jobs | How to Become a CIA Agent | CIA Careers, Salary and Training Find salaries, skills, industries and more. CIA Salary | CIA Salaries - CIA Agent Edu The biggest factors that influence CIA Agent income are the level of training and the location of the position. Protective Agent - CIA - Central Intelligence Agency Protective services roles are also an opportunity for veterans looking to transition into civilian roles. The estimated total pay for a CIA Agent is $69,555 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $53,282 per year. The department is formally called the directorate of Operations, and it was established in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It is common for the CIA special agents/investigators of the OIG to work with the Department of Justice and other federal agencies when conducting internal investigations. Pay scales rely heavily on time in service and are less-performance based, but public sector benefits can be attractive. For example, an entry-level position as a CIA Operations Officer working at the . How Much Do Cia Jobs Pay per Month? Programs within the Center for Leadership Development include leadership coaching, a senior schools program, experiential learning programs, leadership development tools, and corporate assignments. The intelligence gathered by the first two teams is handed over to the Directorate of Intelligence, who are responsible for interpreting the information and presenting it insightfully. Alaska takes first place with the highest Cia Agent salary is $46,447 per Year. For context, annual raises are given out in July each year. The science and technology team members are responsible for collecting and exploiting the information needed to fulfil the agencys mission. Starting salary: $79,945 - $176,300. The estimated total pay for a CIA Agent is $69,529 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $53,264 per year. The salary range for CIA security professionals is between $46,750 and $74,000. How to Become a CIA Agent | All Criminal Justice Schools Advanced and specialized CIA training is conducted at one or more of the agencys learning institutions: Outside training for CIA agents is commonplace, with CIA professionals often studying at Washington D.C.-based universities and at the nations highly competitive military service programs, including the Naval War College, the Army War College, and the National War College. The more experience and specialized training an applicant has prior to joining the CIA, the higher the CIA Agent income is. CIA protective agents are called upon to provide support to protective operations, and also frequently oversee training and operational assignments. Desirable college programs for both the PT and CST programs include: The application and employment process for new CIA agents is complex and highly selective, with only the most qualified candidates given consideration. The average salary for a Cia Agent is $41,433 per Year in the United States. Salaries above this are outliers. In the job description for protective agents, it's noted that agents often work overtime, including long shifts and deployments. This is the equivalent of $1,199/week or $5,198/month. As a CIA Agent, youre trained to investigate real crimes, criminals, suspected criminals, and perceived threats, and doing it secretively. in Criminal Justice, A.S. in Criminal Justice, B.S. How Much Do Cia Jobs Pay per Month in 2022? - ZipRecruiter The average salary for a CIA agent is $81,207 per year. Cia Agent Salary in the United State | Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $29.99 an hour. CIA agents follow an Intelligence Cycle, which ensures that the actions and measures taken are supported by a system of checks and balances overseen by the U.S. Congress. research before making any education decisions. It also includes data that is collected through satellite photography. Full time Starting salary: $61,947 - $116,788 High School diploma or GED Alert Icon There are currently no openings for this position. The IG heads the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), which is responsible for promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the CIA. Want to make sure I am not getting lowballed ?TikTok. Growth with superior levels of nonsupervisory duty pays off basic earnings of about $75,500, converting to around $94,500 in tangible salary. Coursework is focused on briefing, writing, and basic thinking skills, including denial and deception analysis and counterintelligence, among others. All You Need To Know. The Director of the CIA supervises serval programs that are running within the units. Center for Leadership Development: The Center for Leadership Development is focused primarily on the development of leadership and management skills. Salaries range from $25,000 to $169,000 per year. Below mentioned are some of the common career paths amongst many that many CIA officers take. These are the salary of CIA agents based on the CIA ranks list and organizational structure. Filter by location to see a CIA Agent salaries in your area. CST candidates must also have a clear history of academic excellence with an interest in international affairs. How much does a CIA Agent make a year? Top 5 States with Higher Salaries For Cia Agent in the United States: Going for my on-site with Stripe this Friday for a Non-Tech Program Management role, any insights on compensation? The resources, editorial content, and school evaluations published on this site are developed independent of the schools that advertise here. The CIA special agents (also referred to as CIA investigators) of the OIGs investigations staff are tasked with conducting high-profile investigations into the CIAs internal operations. Im trying to get a ball park of what the salary amount is for this position? Although CIA agents are often skilled professionals with honed talents, most CIA agents begin their careers as entry-level core collectors. The organizational structure makes the working of the agency a lot easier and efficient. CIA agent salaries are largely dependent upon a candidates background, including education and experience. We encourage you to perform your own independent Although PT candidates have little to no work experience in the field of federal investigation, they do have a history of academic excellence, and their formal college program and background often displays an interest in international affairs. There are 15 GS levels, and the CIA salary chart starts from GS-10. My jaw about just dropped when big boss said this. Our site does not feature every educational option available on the market. Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time. Filter by location to see a CIA Agent salaries in your area. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) manages its internal oversight through the Inspector General (IG), who is nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Your starting salary will likely depend on how much education you have and how much relevant experience you have. Thoughts on this? Salary 2003-2022 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Apart from the educational and experience requirement, a CIA agents starting salary depends upon the expertise level. How To Become a CIA Agent | - Indeed Career Guide CIA security professional must possess a bachelor's degree with a GPA of at least 3.0. CIA special agent jobs also require meeting a core set of minimum requirements. Salaries estimates are based on 4 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a CIA Agent employees. You may be assigned overseas for a period of time. Individuals who want to become CIA special agents in investigations should possess a number of strengths and traits: CIA special agent jobs also require meeting a core set of minimum requirements. Kent School for Intelligence Analysis: Located within the CIA Academy, the Kent School for Intelligence Analysis provides CIA agent with specialized training in intelligence analysis. In 2007, around 700 pages of documents from the 1970s were declassified and released by the CIA in a collection called "The Family Jewels." The files all surrounded the investigations and scandals pertaining to agency misconduct during the 1970s. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the federal agency responsible for providing intelligence to the President of the United States, the National Security Council, and other government officials who are tasked with developing and carrying out U.S. national security policies. Salaries estimates are based on 2017 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a CIA Agent employees. Individuals who attend CITP training learn fundamental techniques and concepts in criminal investigation, thereby preparing them for federal careers as criminal investigators. in Justice Studies and M.S. The nature of the business is dangerous and CIA Agent income, along with the high level and intensity of training, reflects that. Some may be working behind computers in an office just down the street. These services of these CIA professionals include physical and technical security, program security, cyber security, and personnel security, among others. Protective Agents deploy worldwide to perform sensitive operations to defend our nation at the direction of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. I mean, inflation doesn't pro-rate. Apart from the GS-scale the salaries may vary, but it is estimated that the CIA officers make between $50,000 and $95,000 a year. Full time. The national average salary for a CIA Agent is $53,355 per year in United States. Must have a solid knowledge of investigative techniques, Must have the ability to draw applicable conclusions, Must be able to interact effectively with people with different cultures and backgrounds, Must be able to distinguish and prioritize key issues, Must be able to communicate clearly, both written and verbal, Must have the ability to bring together large quantities of data, Must be able to prioritize a large number of tasks, Must have excellent negotiation skills, while at the same time employing discretion and diplomacy, Currently reside in the U.S. (The CIA accepts applications only from individuals in the U.S.), Possess a bachelors degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA, Have at least 3 years of experience working in criminal investigations, Must have a criminal investigative work history that focused on complex matters, Must have an excellent employment performance record. CIA agent salary comparison with FBI, SWAT & DEEntry Level Jobs Salary: Cia Agent (November, 2022) | Glassdoor In this article, we will share the salary for a CIA agent based on the ranks in the CIA. The national average salary for a CIA Agent is $53,264 per year in United States. The Perks And Salaries Of A Career With The CIA CIA clandestine agents earn between $56,505 and $86,450 per year. Attorneys at the CIA provide legal advice and policy counsel on a variety of legal issues relating to intelligence and national security law and other routine practices of an executive agency. Each of the pay levels contains 9 steps. Throughout this part of the program, students must interview witnesses, performance surveillance and undercover operations, develop a case, write and execute search warrants, obtain an indictment, and even testify in a courtroom hearing. As of Oct 16, 2022, the average annual pay for a CIA Agent in Rockford is $62,387 a year. The Glassdoor community relies on people like you to share accurate salary info to promote fair compensation everywhere. The national average salary for a CIA Agent is $46,339 per year in Canada. Special agent/investigators with the CIA, who must have a bachelors degree and at least 3 years of investigative experience, earn between $75,000 and $136,000. A higher average Cia Agent salary indicates a higher cost of living too. Copyright 2008-2022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc, Construction, Repair & Maintenance Services. Like the FBI, the CIA also follows the General Schedule (GS) as a CIA pay grade system. Beyond a job's standard education and experience requirements, starting salaries in the CIA are largely dependent on experience level. Im in the north east Florida region. Currently reside in the U.S. (The CIA accepts applications only from individuals in the U.S.) Possess a bachelor's degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Your actual salary will depend upon your skills, experience and which branch of the CIA you enter and the position you hold. Competitive curriculum, expert mentors, and a dynamic community will prepare you to serve America as a member of the intelligence community. How Much Do CIA Agents Make - CJ US JOBS You can be living anywhere in the United States or its territories when you apply, but you must agree to relocate once hired. And, although the CIAs Inspector General reports to the Director of the CIA, the statutes of this position include specific obligations and responsibilities to Congress. Law Enforcement Academic Certificate, Associate's and Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, A.S. in Criminal Justice, B.S. How Much Does a CIA Agent Make? | Chegg Careermatch CIA Agent salaries in the United States range from $41,200 to $128,690 per year, with a median salary of $77,310. The Intelligence Cycle consists of the following, five components: CIA jobs are found within the agencys four teams (directorates), all of which specialize in a specific area of expertise. in Criminology. We encourage you to perform your own independent Why Do Police Touch the Back of Your Car. The OIG works to detect and deter fraud, abuse, waste and mismanagement. High level and intensity of training cia agent salary per month the location of the CIA scale. Of investigative teams, or as leaders of investigative teams a clear history of academic excellence with interest.: the NCS and the DS & T are responsible for collecting and exploiting the information needed to fulfil agencys! Thereby preparing them for federal careers as entry-level core collectors must: be United is! Salary indicates a higher cost of living too this program also features real-life through. Make sure I am not getting lowballed? TikTok on this site are developed independent of the position hold. 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